Kahibah Public School

Positive Relationships for Positive Learning

Telephone02 4943 4501


Presentation day

Historically we hold our annual Presentation Day during the 2nd last week of term 4. It's an occasion to celebrate the many successes of our students in so many fields. We want everyone to be winners.
Every child receives a certificate attesting to some accomplishment or virtue. After the class teacher has addressed the assembly with genuine positive comments about his/her class, additional awards are given out for a multitude of categories. Though we fervently wish this would include every single child, this is not the reality of life. 
At the conclusion of the award ceremony which includes academic, sporting, cultural, creative, environmental, leadership & citizenship awards, school leaders elect are presented to the assembly.
Morning tea follows so everyone can fete the children, share their successes & network with each other fostering our usual community spirit.