Kahibah Public School, is a school which fosters positive relationships while developing confident and creative lifelong learners. To facilitate this we have a culture within our school which is based on strong, meaningful relationships and visitors to our school frequently comment on the warm and friendly atmosphere they can sense and feel the moment they enter our grounds. Our student well-being approaches; the way we have taught and practiced values for years; our restorative practices and special anger management programs; and the way we teach social skills is widely recognised. Our children do feel safe and they love to learn. Almost all of them report that they really enjoy coming to school every day.
The focus in our teaching and learning programs is for personal growth, aiming at personal bests regardless of the level of student ability. Every child is special. Every child has the right to receive the best education we can possibly provide. A number of programs and strategies have been implemented to support students in achieving their best, such as Reading Recovery, Best Start, and Language, Literacy & Learning (L3) and a variety of gifted and talented programs. Every member of staff is also a lifelong learner and participates in explicit professional learning in the implementation of a range of literacy and numeracy programs and teaching strategies.
The school is a part of the Whitebridge Community of Schools with cohesive links in partnership across the six primary schools and high school. These links also connect to Minimbah, our local Aboriginal Educational Consultative Group (AECG).
The school works in close partnership with the Whitebridge Community of Schools and the Kahibah Public School P&C to deliver:
- Quality literacy and numeracy programs;
- Innovative technologies to meet the needs of 21st century learners;
- Differentiated learning to cater for student’s individual needs;
- Explicit teaching and modelling of the school’s core values and the principles of Choice Theory and Restorative Practices; and
- Inspired programs that embed responsible attitudes and develop active and informed citizens.
To live and grow in today's world, children need to be exposed to a wide variety of experiences to help them develop their talents and find their niche. They need nurturing, with encouragement, to step out of their comfort zone to experiment with new ideas and face new challenges critically and creatively and with a positive spirit. There is so much more to a school than constant testing and analysing results. We aim to give students a school they really deserve, so that they can learn for the right reasons and appreciate the joy of discovery, stimulating greater thoughtfulness. We are all very proud of our wonderful school. For any extra information, please ring 02 4943 4501.